All things ELT

All the content in this little section initially began life on a page called ‘ELT stuff I found‘ but I soon realised there was a growing divide between pages I came across which were useful for feeding my outrageous hunger for knowledge about ELT in general; useful lesson tips and tricks; information specific to the CELTA, and then just generally awesome blogs and websites.

So, I decided to split it all up and make separate pages for it all – and in doing so, I learnt how to build custom menus on WordPress, so it was a good day all round!

So, within this ELT section you can find the following:

CELTA course information

Lesson Resources: tips, tricks and lesson ideas

Great blogs and websites: an ever-expanding list of the many wonderful blogs in the ELT world

Teaching English online: a collection of helpful links about teaching English online

Again, these pages are always a work in progress, but I hope they’re useful – let me know! 🙂

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